How I Rate Study Bibles
It’s not the bible that I rate, it’s the actual notes that a person has made and attached to that bible that are rated here. The bible is perfect, but the person who made the study notes for the bible may not have been guided as the writers of the bible were. As a reviewer, I think it would be fair to first use these study bibles enough to give them an accurate rating. Here is the information that all study bible reviews on this site will have:
Author’s Information
Who wrote the book? What did that person or team of people believe? What was their denomination? What was their experience, character, etc? All of these things affect the study notes and their references.
Study Note’s Information
What year was it released? What’s the website info? What’s the price? What is the length of the notes and how relevant are they?
What is the author’s denomination or beliefs that are taught in the notes? Is there any agenda in the study notes? Are the notes trying to prove or disprove something out of the ordinary?
How many references are there and how relevant are they?
Recommendation + Pros & Cons
This section will have my personal experience and recommendation. Should you use this study bible? Who do I recommend these notes to? Who do I not recommend this to? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these study notes?