Musical Instruments – Wrong In Worship? ---

Musical Instruments – Wrong In Worship?

Musical Instruments – Wrong In Worship? There is a group of Christians who believe that using musical instruments in worship is wrong, namely the Church of Christ.  Of course, after worship services they will get in their cars and listen to music on the radio, but I guess that doesn’t count because it’s not worship.  I’d like to point out some verses that may shed some light on this by pointing out the truth of the matter.   Their argument is, “musical instruments can be distracting and interfere with genuine worship.  God wants to hear our voices, which is what He made, and not manmade instruments.”  What I would first like to point out is that there is no bible verse that says such a thing.  If a person prefers to worship God by singing without instruments, that is fine… but when they say that worshiping God by singing with instruments is a sin, we have a...

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Misty Edwards ALWAYS ON HIS MIND Album ---

Misty Edwards ALWAYS ON HIS MIND Album

Misty Edwards ALWAYS ON HIS MIND Album Track Song Rating   1 See The Way Key – A# Key – C Key – G 2 Favorite One Key – D Key – G   3 Always On His Mind Key – A# Key – C Key – G 4 What Only You Can Do Key – C   5 I Will Run Key – D Key – G   6 As In The Days of Noah Key – D   7 Baptize My Heart Key – A# Key – C Key – G KEY – A# FULL 8 I Am Yours Key – D   TOTAL   Always On His Mind – 3/5 Stars Misty Edwards is one of my favorite worship artists.  The instruments and melodies that she has in her songs are more unique than the typical worship song.   I give this album a 65%, which is really good since it seems like on most albums it’s just one or two good songs.  I rate this not just by the melody, but by the song’s relation to the bible. 2005 – Always On His Mind 01 See The Way – Good (4/5) – Catchy, but it’s a “romantic” one 02 Favorite One – Ok (3/5) – but weird to say I’m His favorite 03 Always On His Mind – Pretty Good (3/5) – Sounds good, but somethings about it I don’t know if I agree with. 04 What Only You Can Do – Alright (2/5) – Good for driving. I don’t agree with it’s meaning though; somewhat unbiblical. 05 I Will Run – Awesome (5/5) – Simple & powerful, but with one strange part. 06 As In The Days of Noah – Bad (1/5) – It’s a haunting song that I would expect to hear in a poetry bar BUT only 1 main chord is played, there’s not much structure, AND the bible doesn’t say It never rained before Noah built the ark. 07 Baptize My Heart – Great (5/5) – A sad and touching intro, catchy chorus, and subtle finish. It will stay in your head. 08 I Am Yours – Pretty Good (3/5) – Catchy. Starts slow and...

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I Am Yours – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

I Am Yours – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

I Am Yours – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE Though I sleep, my heart is awake Though it’s night, on You I wait It’s been a long night, and I am weary It’s been a long time, and I am hungry So I’ll wait in the stillness again and I’ll wait in the quiet again PRE-CHORUS When I heard Your voice, when You said my name When I heard Your voice, my heart it yearned (all x2) CHORUS In the middle of the night, In the middle of the night In the middle of the night, My heart it yearns (all x2) Though You’re far away, Still I’m here to say I am Yours, I am Yours And when You feel so far away, Still I am here to say: I am Yours, I am...

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Baptize My Heart – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

Baptize My Heart – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

Baptize My Heart – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics I can hear the song – Of our Creator singing over creation I played the flute – Did you dance? I sang the wedding song over you – Were you romanced? I played the funeral dirge – Did you lament? I told you My judgments were in the land – But did you, did you repent? For even children know – when to dance And even children know – When to lament I played the flute for you – Did you dance? I sang the wedding song over you – Were you romanced? I played the funeral song – Did you lament? I told you My judgments were on the land  – But did you repent? – Repent, did you...

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As In The Days of Noah – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

As In The Days of Noah – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

As In The Days of Noah – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics Time, time, is ticking by And I can feel an explosion inside (all x2) As in the days of Noah (x2) There will be drinking, marrying, laughing, As in the days of Noah What a fool, they say To build a boat on sand What a fool, they say It’s never rained before (x3) As in the days of Noah So it will be – in the coming of the Son of Man And what a fool, they say – To fast and pray And what a fool, they say C’mon its been two thousand years Do you really think that He’s coming? C’mon let’s just get real And remember this first And many, many, many scoffers will come”… And when the rain starts falling Its too late, Its too late (all...

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I Will Run – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

I Will Run – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

I Will Run – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE I will run the race set before me, I will seek your face as the prize of my life   PRE-CHORUS I will run (x7)   CHORUS All I want is You, All I crave is You (x2)   BRIDGE My soul pants for God and God alone EXIT The earth sleeps and slumbers Lullaby to the sounds of peace and safety The earth sleeps and slumbers, Lullaby, lullaby, lullaby…   Related Bible Verses Hebrews 12:1 – “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of...

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What Only You Can Do – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

What Only You Can Do – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

What Only You Can Do – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE 1 I’ll take my cold, cold heart I’ll take my un-renewed mind I’ll take Your Word in my hand And I’ll give You time, to come and melt me VERSE 2 I can’t even love You unless You call my name I can’t even worship unless You anoint my heart, God I can’t even want You unless You want me first Come fan the flame, oh come fan the flame PRE-CHORUS Do what only You can do – Come fan the flame Do what only You can do – Come fan the flame Do what only You can do – Come fan the flame Do what only You can do CHORUS Just let my heart be alive – Let me be living deep, deep on the inside (x4) Come fan the flame hey, hey yeah...

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Always On His Mind – Misty Edwards – Chords & Lyrics ---

Always On His Mind – Misty Edwards – Chords & Lyrics

Always On His Mind – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE Lord, I will seek You – On my bed, think upon You In the day, I’ll dream of You . . . You’re always on my mind With my whole heart, I’ll love You – With my mind and my strength too Waste my life searching for You – You’re always on my mind! PRE-CHORUS Though I’m poor and needy, the Lord thinks upon me, Though His name is Holy, I’m always on His mind – I’m always on His mind Though I’m weak and lowly, the Lord dreams about me, Though He’s high and lofty, I’m always on His mind – I’m always on His...

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Favorite One – Misty Edwards – Chords & Lyrics ---

Favorite One – Misty Edwards – Chords & Lyrics

Favorite One – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE Jesus, here I am your favorite one What are You thinking, what are You feeling?  I have to know CHORUS For I – am after Your heart – I’m after Your heart – I am after You BRIDGE And I’ll crown You with my love Related Bible Verses No verses are related to this song.  As a comment however, the bible doesn’t say Jesus has favorites.  Teaching that I’m God’s favorite one is something I’ve heard from Bill Johnson’s church in Redding California called Bethel.  It feels weird for me to say those words.  God does favor people (Luke 1:28), it’s impossible to please God without faith (Heb 11:6), and there are levels of faith; great faith and little faith.  I assume the greater the faith, the more we please Him, but I’m not going to say to any person, “I’m God’s favorite”; implying He likes them less than...

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See the Way – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

See the Way – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

See the Way – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics CHORUS See the way – He holds – the stars in His hands See the way – He holds – my heart VERSE Just one word – of Your mouth – were the heavens made Just one breathe – of Your lips – the foundation were laid With just one dream – in Your thought – You have wanted me Just one pulse – of Your heart – You are wooing me PRE-BRIDGE God is a Lover – Looking for a lover – so He fashioned me God is a Lover – Looking for a lover – so He formed my heart God is a Lover – Looking for a lover – so He fashioned me God is a Lover – Looking for a...

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Misty Edwards ETERNITY Album Chords ---

Misty Edwards ETERNITY Album Chords

Misty Edwards ETERNITY Album Chords Track Song Rating Chords 1 Break The   Chains KEY   – D KEY   – G 2 Until The   Day Breaks KEY   – C KEY   – D KEY   – G 3 Oh   How We Want You To Come KEY   – G 4 Eternity KEY   – C KEY   – E KEY   – G 5 Simple   Devotion KEY   – D 6 Just   In Time KEY   – D KEY   – F KEY   – G 7 All   That I Want KEY   – C 8 Vow KEY   – C 9 Let   Me Love You More KEY   – C 10 Isaiah   49 KEY   – D 11 Only   A Shadow KEY   – F 12 Glance KEY   – C TOTAL   Eternity, 2 1/2 of 5 Stars Misty Edwards is one of my favorite worship artists.  The instruments and melodies that she has in her songs are more unique than the typical worship song.  On the other hand, sometimes she gets a little too “romantic”, singing in a way that I feel only a woman would do with a man.  She also has a “prophetic” style, which sometimes interrupts a song, and sometimes IS the song.  I give the Eternity a 48% based on 29/50 stars.  Of course this is just my opinion, but here are the reasons why I scored the way I did. 01 Break The Chains – (Ok) 3/5 – Not a bad song and its catchy. 02 Until The Day Breaks – (Good) 4/5 – Good song.  I think I remember Vineyard singing this. 03 Oh How We Want You To Come – (Ok) 3/5 – Good chorus, but the rest is just random readings. 04 Eternity – (Good) 4/5 – Slow but catchy and biblical too. 05 Simple Devotion – (Bad) 1/5 – Too feminin, men can’t sing it, no real chorus, blah. 06 Just In Time – (OK) 3/5 – An alright song.  The bridge is kinda cool. 07 All That I Want – (Bad) 1/5 – Probably made for the morning when you wake up, but it’s groggy.  I would rename this song “worship hangover”, because that’s how it makes me feel. 08 Vow – (Ok) 3/5 – Too romantic/mushey.  Slow dance with Jesus… 09 Let Me Love You More – (Um..) 2/5 – Kinda catchy, but doctrine wise I think it’s funny what she says, “let me love you more” like He only lets us love Him so much and limits us. 10 Isaiah 49 – (Bad) 1/5 – She...

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Glance – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---
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Only a Shadow – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

Only a Shadow – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

Only a Shadow – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics CHORUS You will be my strength, You will be my song, You will be my light, All the whole night long, Worthy is the lamb (x4) READING 1 Blessed is the Lord who created you, He who formed you in your mother’s womb. I have called you by your name, and you are Mine. You are Mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. You are Mine.  I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel. You are precious in my sight. Fear not, I am with you. You are Mine. READING 2 I want to be your witness, O God, to the end (to the end).  I know where i came from; I know where I am going. My Father, He is God, and my Maker, He is my Husband. Eternity is my home. / His name is written on my forehead and my name is written on the palm of His hand. He is mine, and I am His. He is mine, and I am His. / So take my body if you please, and try, try and take all of me. But my soul He keeps. My soul He keeps. / Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord, He is my Shepherd. He is my Shepherd. / I am my Beloved’s and He is mine. Rightly do I love Him, though I walk through the valley of the...

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Isaiah 49 – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

Isaiah 49 – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

Isaiah 49 – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics Can a woman forget her child And have not compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget But I will not forget you (my people) No, I Will not forget you (oh Israel) Sing all you heavens, be joyful o’er the Earth Break out in singing, oh you mountains The Lord has comforted his people And He will have mercy on his afflicted (x2) Though Zion has said “I’ve been forsaken” Zion has said “I’ve been forgotten” Zion has said “I’ve been forsaken” Zion has said “I’ve been forgotten” See, I have inscribed you on the palm of My hands, Your walls are ever before Me...

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Let Me Love You More – Misty Edwards – Chords & Lyrics ---

Let Me Love You More – Misty Edwards – Chords & Lyrics

Let Me Love You More – Misty Edwards Eternity Album Version Relentless Album Version GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE I’m in love with a Man, I’m in love with a Stranger I’m in love with my Maker, whom I have never seen I’m in love with the Lamb, I’m in love with the Lion I’m in love with my Savior, whom I have yet to know   CHORUS O won’t You let me love You more, this is all that I desire Won’t You let me love You more, this is all that I require Won’t You let me love You more, this is my deepest heart’s desire Won’t You let me love You more, still more and more   BRIDGE You could give to me the gift of walking on...

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Vow – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords Download ---

Vow – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords Download

Vow – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD Lyrics VERSE I pay my vow, right here, right now no matter what comes my way   CHORUS 1 I do love you, I do love you, I do love you You know that I love you, Jesus.   CHORUS 2 For every season, there’s a reason and a purpose under heaven this I know, this I know   BRIDGE a time to laugh and a time to cry a time to live and a time to die a time to speak, and a time for silence a time to gain and a time to lose a time to mourn and a time to dance a time for peace, and a time for war   For every season of the soul For every season of Your love For every season of this life, I want you to...

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All That I Want – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---
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Just In Time – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords ---

Just In Time – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Chords

Just In Time – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE Like a rushing river am I, Like a raging torrent inside I find that I’m, full of knowing nothing I find that I’m, hungry for the fullness of Christ Like a rushing river am I, Like a raging torrent inside I find that I’m free falling again, I’m letting go of the mountain view, Letting go, but what into…   CHORUS 1 I’ve been crucified with Christ (3x), Yet not I, for one thing I know…   CHORUS 2 You make all things beautiful (3x) …just in time   BRIDGE What is the length, what is the width, what is the depth, what is the height (x2) Who come comprehend? Who can enter in?...

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Simple Devotion – Misty Edwards – Lyrics Chords Download ---

Simple Devotion – Misty Edwards – Lyrics Chords Download

Simple Devotion – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics Over and over and over and over again I will stir up my soul to lay hold of You Over and over and over and over again I will stir up my soul  – to lay hold of that which I – cannot comprehend Over and over and over and over again (x2) And then – I’ll just lean in the sovereignty, I’ll embrace a mystery And I’ll just rest in You,            As I bathe in truth Over and over and over and over again, This is my simple devotion My walk of faith, day by day, Over and over and over and over again And then I hear You say, As You gaze over the balcony of heaven I hear You say as You peer through the lattice of...

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Eternity – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Guitar Chords Download ---

Eternity – Misty Edwards – Lyrics & Guitar Chords Download

Eternity – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD Lyrics   CHORUS Holy, Holy (Background) Eternity’s eternal song, Is drawing me and calling me away (x2) It’s calling me away,   VERSE 1 All flesh is grass, fading away, Only You last, only You remain (x2) The same, You never change – Holy, holy holy, You are fairer than the sons of man   VERSE 2 Surely man is like a flower of the field, and surely life is but a vapor, at best it’s but a vapor Man is like a flower of the field a fragrance, but a vapor, at best it’s but a vapor but You, oh God, are better than a thousand blooms   BRIDGE Hallelujah, Amen!  Hallelujah, Amen!   Related Bible Verses Isaiah 40:6-8 – “The voice said, Cry.  And he said, What shall I cry?  All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.  The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever. Psalms 45:2 – “You are fairer than the sons of men; Grace is poured upon Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever.”...

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