Oh How We Want You to Come – Misty Edwards ---

Oh How We Want You to Come – Misty Edwards

Oh How We Want You to Come – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics Reading Jesus look down from your sanctuary high, Do not restrain the yearnings of your heart, Your zeal, your mercy, your might, Rend the heavens and come down  (x3) That the mountains would melt like wax.   Jesus of Nazareth the Jewish man, Son of David, slain lamb, Return, return, return, return, return   You came as a baby, You were born in Bethlehem Not just a prophet, You are you are the great I am That you would come, return to your creation King of kings and lord of lords, desire of the nations Return, return, return   It’s not just revival that I’m yearning for, no It’s not just the stirring of my soul, no no no...

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Until The Day Breaks – Misty Edwards ---

Until The Day Breaks – Misty Edwards

Until The Day Breaks – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics INTRO Until the day breaks, until the shadows flee way I will go my way, to the mountain of myrrh Until the day breaks, until the shadows flee way I will go my way, to the hill of frankincense CHORUS 1 I will sing the songs, That awaken the dawn And I will usher in, Your appearing It is Your face that I crave, and it’s Your presence that I long for Your kingdom come And with you’re seal upon my heart, stronger than the grave Set me Ablaze   CHORUS 2 From the ends of the Earth, We hear this song Glory to the Righteous One!   BRIDGE And Spirit and Bride say come   Related Bible Verses Song 4:6 – “Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of...

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Break The Chains – Misty Edwards ---

Break The Chains – Misty Edwards

Break The Chains – Misty Edwards GUITAR CHORDS DOWNLOAD   Lyrics VERSE Come break the chains, the chains that hinder love, All that remains of yester-year Come break the chains, the chains that pull me down, Come break the chains and draw me near   CHORUS And let the fire burn consuming me, Let Your jealous flame come take away everything Let the fire burn consuming me, Let Your jealous flame come and write, Your name upon my heart Until all that remains, is the light of Your countenance, And I will be satisfied when I awaken, as a lover of You   BRIDGE Who is this, garment stained red, Who is this crowns on His head Who is this running like a lion, Who is this He’s roaring from Zion ...

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Skeptic’s Annotated Study Bible Review ---

Skeptic’s Annotated Study Bible Review

 Biblebro Rating  Skeptic’s Annotated Bible  Quality 33%  Doctrine: (2/10)  Atheism  Notes: (5/10)  15,000 Notes?  References: (3/10)  KJV   The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible Author: Steve Wells, an x-Christian.  Nothing more is written about him personally in his book except “When I was a Christian, I never read the bible.  Not all the way through, anyway.  The problem was that I believed the Bible to be the inspired and inerrant word of God, yet the more I read it, the less credible the belief became.  I finally decided that to protect my faith in the Bible, I’d better quit trying to read it.”    Study Note’s Information Year published: 2012.  Website: www.skepticsannotatedbible.com and www.dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com Versions: KJV (because he thinks old English sounds funny and makes the bible seem more...

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Suicide: An Unforgivable Sin in the Bible? ---

Suicide: An Unforgivable Sin in the Bible?

Suicide: An Unforgivable Sin in the Bible? Does the bible say that suicide is an unforgivable sin?  Before I start this topic, I’d like to say I have had family, a first cousin in fact, kill himself.  This is a personal topic to me, but I feel that it needs to be addressed.  Why does it need to be addressed?  Because if a person thinks that suicide is a reasonable way to go then there is nothing discouraging them.  If I could kill myself and end up in heaven, then it would sound like a reasonable option to me, since I’d be rewarded with paradise for killing myself.  Here are a few people I remember who killed themselves in the...

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Top 10 Most Interesting Books of the Bible ---

Top 10 Most Interesting Books of the Bible

This is my top 10 list of which books of the bible I found most interesting and why! What books of the bible are the most interesting?

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Forsake All, Sell Everything, Leave Family, & Follow Jesus ---

Forsake All, Sell Everything, Leave Family, & Follow Jesus

Forsake All, Sell Everything, Leave Family, & Follow Jesus There’s a lot of things that churches preach that aren’t in the bible.  There’s also a lot of things in the bible the churches don’t preach.  How can you tell the difference?  You trust In the preacher to give you something from God, and you take him for an example of how to be like Christ, saying to yourself, “if anyone is a Christian here, it must be the preacher.”  This same preacher who has a pretty nice house, a car, and a family preaches with his lifestyle more than with his sermons.  It’s something drastically different from the lifestyle of Jesus, His apostles, and the early church than what you see...

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Satan – How He became the god of This World ---

Satan – How He became the god of This World

Satan – How He became the god of This World Satan is the god of this world (2Cor 4:4, John 12:31, Eph 2:2). He showed what he owns while tempting Jesus saying, “I’ll give you all the kingdoms of the world if you bow down and worship me” (Matt 4:8-9). Psalms 24:1 says that the earth is God’s because He created it, but God is not the god of this world, therefore there is a conflict of interest between God and Satan. Dominion Given to Man How did the kingdoms of the world become Satan’s? God created the world (Gen 1:1). At that time, the world was in God’s dominion. After He made man, He gave dominion to Man (Gen 1:26). It does not say that He shared dominion with man, but gave it to him. When He gave it to man, it belonged to man and not to God anymore. God couldn’t take dominion back from the man because “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Rom 11:29), which means that when God gives a gift, He either can’t or won’t take it back. I guess you could say that when Adam received this dominion, he became the god of this...

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The Book of Job – God Did Not Give Satan Power ---

The Book of Job – God Did Not Give Satan Power

The Book of Job – God Did Not Give Satan Power The common belief that God gives power to Satan by permission to test our faith or teach us some lesson is one reason that many believers in Christ have departed from the faith or resent God. When a preacher preaches at a funeral saying, “God took this child, mother, grandmother, friend, or whoever.”  Did he mean that God caused or allowed the accident?  It leads a Christian to believe that one day everything is ok and the next day God tortures a person for reasons above our understanding.  Consider this, if you had a baby who contracted cancer and suffered for years before her death, thinking God was in control, you may hate God, but if you hate God you will go to Hell.  Understand the severe emotional conflict that this teaching inflicts on the body of Christ!  If God is controlling your life and your life is in a mess, then who’s to...

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What Is the Baptism of Fire? Is It Good or Bad? ---

What Is the Baptism of Fire? Is It Good or Bad?

What Is the Baptism of Fire? Is It Good or Bad? Many teachings as well as songs imply that the baptism of fire is a good thing.  After reading John the Baptist’s comments, I’ve just recently considered that it may be a bad thing, and would like to know what you think as well. 1) Fire always symbolizes punishment/condemnation in the gospels. If you do a word search for “fire” in the gospels, it always refers to Hell (except for the epileptic boy who would fall into fire {Matt 17:15}, when Peter was warming himself over the fire when he denied Jesus {Mark 14:54}, and the fish that was cooked over the fire {John 21:9}).   2) John the Baptist is the only person to mention a baptism of...

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OliveTree Bible Study VS YouVersion – Which Is Better? ---

OliveTree Bible Study VS YouVersion – Which Is Better?

OliveTree Bible Study VS YouVersion With so many bible apps out there, there are 2 that stand out above the rest.  The Olivetree Bible Study app is the most functional, but the YouVersion app has a lot of free stuff.  Here’s what they both offer:   OliveTree Bible Study Features + Bibles, Study Bibles, maps, atlases, devotionals, and other Christian related material + Computer software that syncs what’s been downloaded on the app Functions + Split screen for parallel bible or study notes + Flip page left/right or up/down, show strong’s numbers (with purchase) If you’re looking for deep bible study, OliveTree Bible Study (previously known as OliveTree Bible Reader) is the way to go.  The synced split screen makes study comparison very convenient.  Study Bibles, which must be purchased, are convenient to use since the study notes are synced to the split screen and the references open at the touch of a finger.  There’s a large library full of free books and books that can be purchased.  Anything that is downloaded to the tablet app can be synced with the computer app.  OliveTree Bible study is the most versatile of the bible study apps, since most Christian material can be accessed through...

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How the Kingdom of Heaven & Kingdom of God Are THE SAME ---

How the Kingdom of Heaven & Kingdom of God Are THE SAME

How the Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God Are The Same! The KOG and KOH are interchangeable and 100% the same with no difference.  Matt 19:23-24 is a perfect example of them being the same.  The KOH is only used in Matthew, but is called the KOG in the following verses below: KINGDOM OF HEAVEN KINGDOM OF GOD Matt 3:5 John says repent, KOH at hand — — Matt 4:17 Jesus says repent, KOH at hand Mark 1:14-15 — Matt 5:3 Blessed are poor, theirs is KOH — Luke 6:20 Matt 5:10 Blessed are persecuted, theirs is KOH — — Matt 5:19 Called least in the KOH — — Matt 5:20 Be better than Pharisees to enter KOH — — Matt 7:21 saying “Lord Lord” won’t enter KOH — — Matt 8:11 Sit with Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob in KOH — Luke 13:28-29 Matt 10:7 Disciples preach KOH at hand — Luke 9:2 Matt 11:11 Least in KOH greater than John — Luke 7:28 Matt 11:12 KOH suffered violence — — Matt 13:11 know the mysteries of the KOH Mark 4:11 Luke 8:10 Matt 13:24 KOH like man who sowed good seed — — Matt 13:31 KOH like mustard seed Mark 4:30-31 Luke 13:18 Matt 13:33 KOH like leaven — Luke 13:20 Matt 13:44 KOH like hidden treasure — — Matt 13:45 KOH like merchant seeking pearls — — Matt 13:47 KOH like net — — Matt 13:52 KOH like treasurer with new & old — — Matt 16:19 I will give you the keys of the KOH — — Matt 18:1 Greatest in KOH like little child — — Matt 18:3 Be like child to enter the KOH Mark 10:15 Luke 18:17 Matt 18:4 Humble like child greatest in KOH — — Matt 18:23 KOH like servants who owed king $$$ — — Matt 19:14 Allow children, such is the KOH Mark 10:14 Luke 18:16 Matt 19:23 Rich man hard to enter KOH Mark 10:23-24 Luke 18:24 Matt 20:1 KOH like man who pays workers same — — Matt 22:2 KOH like wedding — — Matt 23:13 You shut up the KOH against men — — Matt 25:1 KOH like 10 virgins — — Matt 25:14 KOH and the talents — — 5 Times the KINGDOM OF GOD is mentioned in Matthew Matt 6:33 Seek first the KOG — Luke 12:31 Matt 12:28 I cast out devils by God, KOG has come — Luke 11:20 Matt 19:24 Easier for camels, than for rich to enter KOG — Luke 18:25 Matt 21:31 publicans and harlots go to the KOG — — Matt 21:43 KOG taken from you, given...

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Baptism – Why ONLY Immersion Is Right & More ---

Baptism – Why ONLY Immersion Is Right & More

Baptism: the Do’s and Don’ts In Matthew 3:6 the people were baptized of John in Jordan, confessing their sins. [baptized] – G0907 = to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (i. e. fully wet).  It NEVER means to get partially wet, therefore “sprinkling” is not “baptizing”.  Why does it matter?  Because being immersed into water symbolizes death and burial with Christ (Rom 6:4 & Col 2:12), sprinkling doesn’t. Why Immersion Is Baptism In Acts 8:27-39, a rich eunuch traveled on a chariot and learned the gospel from Phillip, and though it’s not written, it’s understood that Phillip explained that to be saved, the eunuch must be baptized.  The rich eunuch must have been carrying food and water on his chariot for the journey since he was traveling all the way from Ethiopia to Jerusalem.  So when he learned of the requirement to be baptized, why didn’t he say to Phillip, “Hey, I’ve got some jugs of water in the chariot that you could sprinkle me with”?  BECAUSE THAT’S NOT BAPTISM!  He saw a body of water (Acts 8:36), they went DOWN INTO the water (Acts 8:38), Phillip “immersed – G0907” the eunuch, then they CAME UP OUT OF the water (Acts 8:39).  The language and situation all imply submersion and never even hint of sprinkling or that sprinkling is acceptable even...

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God Is NOT Everywhere & Does NOT Know Everything ---

God Is NOT Everywhere & Does NOT Know Everything

The idea of God being everywhere at once and knowing all things from eternity past, present, and future is not an idea that is supported by scripture. This is sometimes referred to as God’s omnipresence and foreknowledge or omniscience. To prove that He is not everywhere, all we must do is find one place where He is not. To prove that He does not know everything, all we must do is find one thing in scripture that He doesn’t...

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You Won’t Relent Instrumental Download – Misty Edwards Jesus Culture ---

You Won’t Relent Instrumental Download – Misty Edwards Jesus Culture

You Won’t Relent Instrumental This is an metal/techno instrumental, accompaniment, karaoke version of You Won’t Relent by Misty Edwards & Jesus Culture. Go to 2:00 for the good stuff!   Lyrics You won’t relent until you have it all. My Heart is yours. [x2] I set you as a seal, upon my heart as a seal upon my arm for there is love, that is strong as death jealousy demanding as the grave and many waters can not quench this love You won’t relent until you have it all. My Heart is yours. [x2] [Chorus:] Come be the fire inside of me Come be the flame upon my heart Come be the fire inside of me Until You and I are One Until You and I are...

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All Consuming Fire (Instrumental Accompaniment Karaoke) ---

All Consuming Fire (Instrumental Accompaniment Karaoke)

All Consuming Fire This is not the original version of this song… but here are the lyrics: All Consuming Fire Lyrics, written by Misty Edwards: Lyrics All consuming fire You’re our heart’s desire Living flame of love come baptize us Let us fall more in love with You We want to know how high how deep how wide is Love Love...

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Our God Is An Awesome God (Instrumental Accompaniment, Chorus Only) ---

Our God Is An Awesome God (Instrumental Accompaniment, Chorus Only)

Our God Is An Awesome God This version was arranged by me. It contains organs and rock guitars.  This is the chorus only.  It was originally written by Rich Mullins. Lyrics: Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above, With wisdom, power, and live, Our God is an awesome...

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Misty Mountain Worship Song – “Holy God, We Ask You To Draw Near” ---

Misty Mountain Worship Song – “Holy God, We Ask You To Draw Near”

Song of the Lonely Mountain, taken from The Hobbit, relyriced and turned into a Christian Worship song! WORSHIP LYRICS Holy God, we ask You to draw near Filling our hearts, with holy fear We will push through, to be with You Come from Heaven, and meet us here Mighty judgment, how right and true, Words You’ve spoken, they will subdue The light of day – will pass away And’ our messiah – makes all –  things new CHORUS: Lord God – we’ll never forget That You – have come to forgive We stand – and follow You yet We’ll fight as long as we live All eyes on the heavenly prize Preaching life – wherever we rome From the grave – You tell us to rise And call us to – our long-forgotten...

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Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible Review ---

Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible Review

 Biblebro Rating  Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible  Quality 77%  Doctrine: (7/10)  Pentacostal  Notes: (8/10)  35,000 Notes  References: (8/10)  KJV & NKJV   Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible Author: Finis Jennings Dake, however there have been updates, and I can’t find the names of those who have added or edited the study notes.  Information on Dake’s personal life can be found at Wikipedia and Dake.com.   Study Note’s Information (8/10) Year published: 1963. Website: www.dake.com Versions: KJV, NKJV Price: $20-$100 (depending on the size of the book ordered) There are over 35,000 study notes that took 7 years to complete.  It is said that Dake spent over 100,000 hours in study for preparation for this book.  How did he calculate that, by a stop watch?  Most verses have study notes, and the study notes are longer than the bible itself.  That is good, because the explanations are usually lengthy and detailed.  On the bad side, Dake has a lot of redundant notes that only repeat what the bible has already said, like the notes for Ezra 9:5 which just restate everything the verse said and gives no more insight.  Notes for Exodus 1:7 points 2 and 3 are identical, which is something Dake overlooked.  Am I the first person to read all the study notes and find these typos?  It’s also got quite a few typos, but nothing too bad.  Overall, the notes are great...

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How I Rate Study Bibles ---

How I Rate Study Bibles

How I Rate Study Bibles It’s not the bible that I rate, it’s the actual notes that a person has made and attached to that bible that are rated here.  The bible is perfect, but the person who made the study notes for the bible may not have been guided as the writers of the bible were.  As a reviewer, I think it would be fair to first use these study bibles enough to give them an accurate rating.  Here is the information that all study bible reviews on this site will have:   Author’s Information Who wrote the book?  What did that person or team of people believe?  What was their denomination?  What was their experience, character, etc?  All of these things affect the study notes and their...

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